Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We had a much needed restful day today.  Got up late and had breakfast.  We walked the dog or Steve did.  Steve must be really excited about his carving project as he carved quite a bit.  I finished the dogs sweaters.  Steve took me down to the clubhouse for coloring. I colored with the gel pens for the first time then walked back to the rig.  One of the ladies is still having problems with her dog who is on its last days.  So sad when that happens.   It is so sad..  we all walked back to the rig. Then when we stopped by the Nances Betty and I decided to check out the Quilt room.  So for the next hour and a half we talked quilting and a had a detailed tour of the quilt room.  Betty came back and gave me some hints about quilting. She left just after 5 after which I  made dinner of leftover tamale pie.  Dishes and then TV.  Anxious to get the holidays behind us.

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