Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well it is the day before Christmas Eve. Nothing went as planned.   I got up late 8 am and did my morning chores.   I was waiting for a text from Betty to see if she wanted to sew.  I got a text but didn't see it until about 10:30.  So I gathered up my sewing goodies and hooded it down to the sewing room. I saw how much I have to learn.  I came back to cut more strips but the dogs needed walking and Steve needed lunch. We made a short trip in the Teryx to drop off the recycling  at Don Morris' house then mailed a letter.  Then we decided that we could go to the store today which included a quick trip to Petsmart.   Sandy Clark called again but we had already left again.
Unfortunately we left the dogs at home allowing Steve the opportunity to come in the store with me.  He ran around the store like a chicken with his head cut off.  Rush rush rush.  He finally went out to the truck but ended calling me on the phone to see where I was.  Back home and unloaded the groceries .
I hate shopping with him.  He makes it so much worse than it has to be.  I get so rattled when he is in the store with me.
Once the groceries were done Steve went out to carve and watch TV.  I decided to sew while the meat was on the grill.  The back TV was still not working so I decided to try and fix it.  BAD IDEA.  I reset the receiver.  The world as Steve knows it ended.  The TV's stopped working.Steve was going to have to give up TV. Forever.  We got all the TV's working except the living room while the meat overcooked. We ate dinner while Steve continued to try and get the remaining TV working to no avail.  I did the dishes while Steve sat in the garage watching football  glaring at the TV.  I decided to call  DirecTV but they didn't really help. I ended up hanging up from a gal who I couldn't understand and who had trouble connecting me to her supervisor.  So we ended. Up swapping the genie out from the outside.  Working great now.  We may have to have Direct send us a new genie.
Then Steve decided he wanted some of the hot chocolate Sandy brought us.  Once I started upstairs Hazel promptly threw up her dinner on both sides of the red which I then stepped in.  Went to clean it up and had to get more paper towels down from the upper cabinet.   Finally it was time to rest and recreate.   Turned on the TV and got through one partial movie.  The guide rebooted.  The last new Christmas movie did not record in full .  All in all not a good night.  Hazel got sick again.  Hope this is the end of that..
Note to self do not touch the TV or any components thereof.

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