Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

All packages made it in the house.  Fate played a huge factor.  Got up about 8.  Steve was amazingly quiet.  Got ready and we jumped in the Teryx so that I could go check for my lost Amazon package.  I dropped Steve off and checked the mail and the office for the package.  There was a pick up slip in my box but when I went to the window there was no package.  I decided to drive by every site that ended in 33.  I did miss  site 33 never did find it.  So I went to 133, 233,333, 533, 633 and 733.  While I was on my scouting expedition I ran into Sandy walking to her appointment who turned me on to someone who cuts hair in the park.  No luck for finding the package.  Back home, then off to listen to the 3rd graders butcher some Christmas songs.  At the end the kids were given cards that they had made and they handed them out to people in the audience.  We got one from Aldo!
While we were in the show Ben from next door told Steve that my package was delivered to the park mode right behind him.  So off I went in the Teryx to get the package.  Once I retrieved the package I took it over to Diane who was not home.  So she got a double order as will I when the package arrives on Thursday. 
As i was pulling out of the driveway to go get Steve, he came walking up.  So we decided to take a run in the Teryx and ended up at the Heebner's. We chatted with them for about 45 minutes.   Steve then dropped me off at the ballroom for the potluck meeting.   When I got there there was only Jim McGregor who will cook the Turkey and myself.   Somehow I got to be the table chairperson.   Jane Appel  and Rosella who is Issy and Abby Mom and lives one row behind us.  She rides a motorcycle will be donning with us.    As I was leaving I asked the lady about the tickets for Barleen's .  She went to get it out of our mailbox and came back with the last  package I was waiting for.
The last package is the gel pens which i will keep.  They should last us both a lifetime.  400 or 500 pens and refills. 
Back at the rig I had lunch and made the pecan sandies for the cookie exchange. 
Finally we BBQ'ed hamburgers for dinner.  Then TV shower and bed.  A busy day and another one scheduled for tomorrow.   

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