Monday, December 17, 2018

December 17, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

It was a wild day.  Steve was up and out of the door to the gym.  I think he spends more time having coffee than he does at the gym.  I took a walk and was able to get the mail before Steve.  Stupid.  Then I walked back home with the mail stuffed in the front of my jacket dumping the padded envelopes in the garage on the way home.  Even stupider.  Finally stashing the books on the patio to be retrieved later when Steve took a shower.
Shirley and Hal arrived about 12:30. We sat out on the patio and talked til about 1:30.  Then we decided to go to the Thirsty Donkey for a late lunch.   It was actually quite good.  Everyone but Steve had the fish and chips. We sat there till about 3:30 when they had to leave as they live about an hour away.  As we were leaving we ran into Larry and  Betty who stopped by the Thirsty Donkey for a quick bite.
We made a quick trip to the DMV to check on the regulations on the Teryx. 
Back to the rig to walk the dogs.  Then over to Walmart to grocery shop and resupply Steve's snack stash.
Once we got back groceries had to be put away.  Then I had to deal with an Amazon package that never showed up..  Finally got to sneak up to the bedroom to work on the other set of dog's sweaters  and some TV.

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