Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another great day in Casa Grande.  Up about 7:30.  Morning chores and breakfast.   Steve took off for the gym and coffee.  Steve brought my package back which was the dog meds.  Once he came back we hopped in the truck and headed out to get propane. Then we hustled over to get our pedicures. Now my toes sparkle.   They were great and we were so impressed that we are going back in a month.. we then visited the Ford dealership to have then teach us how to reboot the maintenance system.   We had lunch at Firehouse Subs.  I think I still prefer Subway which is I  think cheaper. 
We arrived back in the park.I quickly took the dogs for a walk then headed down to the ballroom for my first coloring session.   Nice ladies. We gossiped and vented about our husbands. One last who is also a wood Carver has  12 children and is from South Dakota. Walked back with Sandy.  Alan is sick with a cold and bad cough.
I worked on my Wreath but ran out of ornaments.  I had some difficulties keep the ornaments from separating from the hanger part  we will have to glue them eventually.   Walked the dogs and took our nightly Teryx ride.  Dinner,Dishes and TV. 

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