Friday, March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Another fun day at North Ranch.  We got up at normal time.  Did chores.  Hazel appears on the mend.  She clings to her bed and her appetite is not back to normal.   She was much perkier today.  Steve left with Alan at 9:30 and drove to Mesa to drop off their entries for the carvers show. 
While he was gone I sewed for about an hour and a half.  Then walked over to the clubhouse to bead.  We stayed there from 11 to 3.  I worked on my peyote bracelet.   Sandy made me a pair of earrings but I had to remind her that I could not wear them. 
When I came back to the rig Steve had returned.   A few minutes later Sandy and I walked over to the dog run with the girls.  We sat and visited with a gal and fellow bearer Lois.  Back to the rig to feed the dogs.  Hazel did not appear to want to eat.  She still shivers a lot.  Then the girls took the car and the guys took the truck to Sizzling Wok for a delicious dinner with some good friends.  After dinner we all agreed we were stopping for ice cream at Dairy Queen.  The guys went right on by.  Not so the girls.   We stopped for ice cream.  The we brought some back for the guys.  Jean ended up paying for Steve's.   Will have to find a way to pay her back somehow.  Back to the rig for TV and games.

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