Monday, March 18, 2019

March 18, 2019 Eacapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

This day was the pits.  It started out fine. Steve went to carving and I straightened the place up and had breakfast.   Called Americas Mailbox regarding the vehicle registration and found out that we wasted almost 2 weeks as it was sent out incorrectly.   Several telephone calls later we got that straightened out.  Looks like we will be staying here longer than planned.
I tried to get some sewing done in between phone calls.  Steve came home for lunch and we printed off the paperwork necessary and got everything ready to mail. Steve went back to carving but came home early so we could get business taken care of.  We started at the Congress Post Office.  They should have the paperwork by Thursday.  We will see how long it takes to get the plates. 
Then we drove over to Prescott and went to Costco and Walmart.  Steve decided to have a hissy fit on the way to Walmart.  Therefore the rest of the trip was very quiet.  We ate at a small Mexican place at the outskirts of Prescott.  Nice town that Prescott.  Then back to the rig to put all the groceries away.  Then TV and games. 
Becky sent me a beautiful ceramic clock for my birthday.  Love it. 
I can tell you that I am tired of being Steve's whipping post.  Things are going to change. 

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