Friday, March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

We had a much needed day of rest.  We got up rather early for us.  7ish.  Made the bed and did a few chores.  I did some checking on our status on the licenses in South Dakota. 
I took my shower early so I could wash my very dirty hair.  Then we jumped in the Teryx and said good bye to the Mooneys. Babe and JC.  Then over to the dog run and then we drove around the park and stopped in at Barb Ely's.  Steve got to drool over John Ely's shop. The we stopper at Alan and Sandy's for over an hour to chat.  Then back to the rig to sew and hunker down.  Very chilly and windy today.
I finally got to sew some.  About 4:30 Sandy and I walked the  dogs to the dog run.   They did their job and we came home.  Finished cooking dinner.  I baked chicken since it was so cold and miserable outside.  Looks like we have this kind of weather for the next week or so. 
TV and games for the rest of the night. 

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