Monday, March 25, 2019

March 25, 2019 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

It was a very stressful day at North Ranch.  Spent the morning till about nine on the phone trying to confirm reservations and dealing with Americas Mailbox.   Was late getting to beading retreat.  Beaded til noon then came back for lunch.   Started to reorganize my beads .  Beading is very stressful for me especially when I would rather be sewing..  I had nightmares about tomorrow's class as it is a very difficult necklace.  Today I took Diana's class beginning peyote.   It went OK until I got a knot in my thread.  I guess I just don't want to spend the time that it takes to do the project.  I have to many unfinished projects.  Finally by the time class ended I was a basket case.  I finally got a call back from Americas mailbox that the trailer plates were there and they would overnight them  tomorrow morning.   That reduced some of the stress but not all.  I think we are ready to move on to do some traveling.
Took the dogs to the dog park and had our ritual rode through the park.
I finished putting my beads away and did a little sewing.
Warmed up some tamale pie for dinner and we sat outside around the campfire with Sandy and Alan and Jean.
The worked in the backroom sewing the rest of the evening.
Steve took the truck in for service and spent the afternoon carving with Dave and Alan 

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