Thursday, March 7, 2019

March 7, 2919 Eacapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

We are on the last leg of our trip about 90 miles west of Congress.  It was a rough night last night. There wasn't one piece of comfortable furniture in the room! Especially the bed.  It was as hard as rock.  I had a back.ache when I got up.  My but is tired of riding. 

I am sick of playing games and reading in the car.

Steve got up at 4 and felt compelled to turn on all the lights.  I got up at 5 and Steve went back to sleep till  6.  W
 e got up and dressed. I walked the dogs.
We had our free continental breakfast.   Then we went to wait at Kaiser for my blood test and shots. Unfortunately today was my normal day to weigh so I guess I will have to wait until next Thursday.  Darn the bad luck.

We were on the road by 9:30.  Highway 41 was closed but there was a detour set up.  Steve started out being a pill but worked himself out of it.

We took a different route home.  We turned right at Kramer junction on 58 and took 395 to 15 then 215 and finally 10 to Quartzite.  From there we took 60 to Wickenburg and found one way to Congress in the pitch dark.  We did take out at Burger King in Quartzite.  We will be home soon.. Thank God.  My butt is worn out.

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