Thursday, September 19, 2019

September 19, 2019 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA

I don't know why we visit the Stickney's.  They never change.  They continue to drive us both nuts.  It is fir old time sake.  They have really good hearts but they are insane.  They are hoarders.  They live in a pig sty.  We were up at the crack of dawn.   Breakfast and morning  chores and left for Stickney's by 7:30. I was a bad girl this morning.   I decided to give me a break and not get on the scale. Back on the straight and narrow next week.  We are waiting so much this week.   HD HD Picked them up and and got to Klamath right on scedule.  Poured ourselves into the jet boat.  It was a little over 2 hour trip.  We got sprayed a few times.  We saw a bale eagle and one if their nests.  The dogs stayed in the car.  We saw lots of different kinds of birds. We finished up about12:30.  It was a beautiful day.  Glad that we waited a day.  Then we headed north to Trees of Mystery  where we had a wonderful lunch.  Then we headed over to Stickney house to see their new flooring and furniture.   The floors looked great.  The rest of the house and yard look like a disaster hit.  It gives new meaning to the words slum landlords.
We changed our reservations for Ponderosa  and made new ones for next Monday and Tuesday.   Back at the rig Johnny pulled in behind us.  John and Mary will join us for a BBQ tomorrow.   We snacked for dinner.  We started TV early.  Kind of nippy out
Fall is definitely in the air.

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