Thursday, September 5, 2019

September 5, 2019 Lake Minden RV Resort, Nicolaus CA

We got up at the normal time.  Jumped on the scale as usual.  210.7. Going down but not fast enough. Did morning chores.   I was able to finally get my quilt squares layed out on the bed.  I left the pillows off to give me more room but Steve thought I didn't finish making the bed and put them on.
After that was done I took the dogs on a long walk.  We left for Folsom about 11.  We made a false start as Steve forgot his checkbook .  We arrived in Folsom about noon despite the false start.   We ate hamburgers at Five Guys prior to meeting with the Lender.  Nikki  was a bit early.   We met with the Lender and found out we need to pay off the y green loan.  We also had to fill out the purchase agreement.   So we each left with things to do.  We stopped at the house looking for mail and documents.   Then a stopped in Lincoln for groceries.   Back at the rig we unloaded everything and put it all away.  Then Steve sweated over all the paperwork looking for figures on the y green loan.  Hope we can still make the sale.
Finalky at 7 we ate fruit and crackers for dinner.  TV and games to end the evening. 

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