Saturday, September 7, 2019

September 7, 2019 Lake Minden RV Resort, Nicolaus CA

Busy day today.  Got up at a reasonable hour.  Breakfast and chores.  I sewed and Steve carved.  The weather was very nice.  First fairly cool day here and we couldn't stay here to enjoy it.  We left for Placerville about 12:30.  We stopped for gas and Michael's for paint.  Today was Betty Nance's anniversary.   We stopped to visit Stephanie and her gang. We went to Placerville to sign the house contract.   One problem we left the paperwork at home.  So we went to Placerville anyway.  We hammered out the deal and had a great visit.  Annibelle cut her hair short.  The house and yard look great although they trimmed the cedar deodorus  way back.  It has a huge trunk.  We had a BBQ.  Got our I e cream fix at baskin and Robbins. Then we drove back .  We got a note that our auto insurance was cancelled.   After some digging we discovered it was an old policy.   We may be due some money.  Steve is starting to worry me.  He isn't taking care of business like he should.  I think he thinks he is on a permanent vacation. I guess I will have to secretly oversee things more closely. 

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