Saturday, September 14, 2019

September 14, 2019 Durango RV Resort, Red Bluff CA

Today was a red letter day. We won the 50/50 at the rally. $567.00 . We never win stuff and we won the money.  Steve was in 7th heaven.  We got up at the crack of dawn to attend the breakfast which was quite good.  Pancakes bacon and sausage.  Then we checked out the demo models which was very nice but no sewing room. Then off to a seminar on trailer suspension from Moryde.  We have decided to go with the independent suspension.   And have it done  in Indiana.  So another trip East.  Whatever the master wants.  Back to the rig and off to the grocery store.  Food Max is not and never will be my favorite place to shop.  Came back and put the cold stuff away and we dashed off for the drone pic.  It was so hot. We came back and had lunch.  Then I just sat down to sew and Steve wanted me to go to the next seminar on stabilization .  We ended up buying 2 chocks, heavy duty.  Finally I sat down to sew and was able to get the binding on Lyllie's quilt.  Now for the handwork.   Then after we fed the dogs we had a belated anniversary dinner at Casa Ramos.  It was yummy.  After we stuffed ourselves we went to the block party.  They had a really great cover band there .  We took the dogs which was a mistake.  They kind of freaked out when the music started.  Steve took them back to the rig.   We actually  got up and danced once.  We left at 9 and came back to the rig for TV.

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