Friday, September 20, 2019

September 20, 2019 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA

I got to sleep in this morning.  Till Steve couldn't stand it anymore and came in and turned on the lights.  I finally caved and too the dogs out for a walk.  At 10:30 we left for Sophie's vet appointment.   The Doctor was very nice. We actually got in early.  We had to leave her there so they could sedate her.  That could get better Xrays that way.  Then Steve and I went to the worst Walmart ever and picked up a few things.  Then over to Costco.   Finally to Taco Bell for a'quicky lunch.  The doctor called while I was in Costco to tell us the good news. No broken bones no torn ligaments.  No splints or surgery required.  We were able to pick her up by 1:30 after we paid $350.00. 
The we came home and  much to our astoundment our dinner guests arrive pretty much on time. We had Mary Wynne, John Johnson  and the Stickney's over for BBQ steaks.  They were wonderful.   Love Sheila and Jerry but continued exposure would drive a sane man to drink.  Sheila especially.  She just doesn't know when to shut up.  
The left about 9.  Then a pile of dishes to do. Finally time for TV and games.  2 days and we are out of here.  I haven't sewed all week.  Too many people to visit and things to do.
Still no word on the appraisal.  We are on pins and needles waiting to hear.  Thought we would hear sooner.  They came out right away but in results as of yet.  

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