Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 5, 2020 Mt. Hood Village, Welches OR

This is going to be short and sweet.  We got and had breakfast.  Steve complained about a pain in back on the right side.  We tried to carve and I decided to do some cutting.   By noon he was on the phone with the advice nurse at Kaiser.  By 12:30 we were on the road to the Emergency room at Mt Hood Legacy Hospital.   At 1:30 I was sitting in the car with the dogs and Steve was in the waiting  room.  It was almost 7 :30 when he came out.  It was diagnosed as a kidney Stone.  Then a trip to Walgreens for meds.  Finally home.  We didn't stop for food since I was doing the driving.  Neither one of us had eaten since breakfast.  I guess we are both going to change our eating habits.  We got home after 9. I finished cutting some squares.  Then we grabbed a bite to eat and walked the dogs. Finally it was time for TV and cuddles.
FYI today would have been our 45th Wedding anniversary  if I had stated married to Ed.  Thank God I didn't.

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