Saturday, October 20, 2018

October 20, 2018 SKP Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA

Wow another busy day in the park. We hoofed it down to the clubhouse by house around nine.  We shopped around at the craft fair.  I tried to buy a patriotic denim shirt but it was too big.  The lady thinks she might have a large one but I haven't heard from her yet.  Then we got some hand crafted coasters that are made from the wood in the park.
Then we goofed it back up the hill and walked the dogs and headed back to the clubhouse for Taco lunch which sucked.  Then I washed dishes again which took about 70 minutes in the kitchen.  It seemed more of a job then last night but we finally finished up and walked back up the hill.  Then we grabbed some chairs and headed over to the pole barn for the digging up of the time capsule at the pole barn.  Unfortunately water got into the capsule and ruined most of the contents which mostly consisted of newspapers and other paper items from 2008.  Apparently they dig up and replace the capsule every 10 years.
We left there and walked back to the rig and collapsed.
Then we took down the dog pen and watched some TV. The Steve carved while I snoozed and read.   Then dinner and put more stuff in the shed .
Warmed up some leftovers for dinner and decided to chill in front of the TV for the rest of the night.
I am no

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