Sunday, October 21, 2018

October 21, 2018 SKP Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA

We were up way too early to get to get to the hitch up breakfast.   We had sausage and gravy with biscuits and scrambled eggs.  Did another stint of washing dishes.  Glad I am done with that. I think I will have to find another way to volunteer other wise I am going to have dishpan hands even with gloves on.
Steve came and got me as I just couldn't climb the hill one more time. We let the dogs run at the dog park.  Then back to the rig.
Steve carved til 2:15 when we drove to the club house for the ice cream social.
We were back to the rig by three.  Then more TV and some packing for next week's trip without the rig.
Dinner dishes and TV for the balance of the night.
Not looking forward to a week without the rig and I am worried about the sleeping arrangements.   Annibelle's bed puts me against the wall. We will have to see how it plays out.

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