Sunday, October 28, 2018

October 28, 2018 Acorn Hill Road, Placerville CA

Tonight is the last night. Headed back home tomorrow after breakfast with Lindy and Bill.  Today was rather fun I spite of all the hub bub.  Got up about 7 am.  I decided to have  a small bowl of cereal to ride me over since I didn't have a midnight snack of left over  Chinese food like Steve did.  Dressed and then Nikki and I ran over to Walmart to pick up some last minute items.  Saw Tom and Glenda over there.  He is really getting on my nerves. 
Come back and put the casserole in the oven and we started to put the brunch together.   Becky brought fruit, and Stephanie brought a French toast casserole.
They carved pumpkins and we voted on the Best.  Then every body took off.  We actually got to visit with everyone for a few minutes. 
Nikki also hit the road about 2:30 or 3 PM.  God forbid she has out at the house with us.  She tried to leave the kids with us but we took care of the dogs.  According to Steve she rarely gets a chance to have some time for herself.  Right.
We finished loading and securing the back of the truck and hitched up the trailer .  We are ready to rock and roll in the morning right after breakfast.
We had a Subway about 5 and then Doug and Karen came over.  They are doing side jobs to supplement their income as Doug's income has be drastically reduced.   He works on commission only.  They left and Nikki arrived about 6:30.  She brought in a boat load of stuff from Costco. 
We finished watching the last game of the World Series Boston Red Socks won.
We are both worn out and ready to be on our way. 

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