Yeah we are back home! So good to be home. We got up early at the crack of dawn again. Steve sets his shower stuff out so he won't disturb me then he comes in turns on the lights and gets the dogs. So I figured I might as well get up. We got dressed and put the rest of the bags in the cab of the truck. At 8:30 we set out for Beef and Brew and breakfast with Pittman's. They were waiting for us. While were waiting for breakfast who should walk in but the Gundelachs.
They were waiting for another couple but they were able to visit for a few minutes. Great breakfast and I had the same thing as I had the last time.
We were back at the yellow house by ten a.m.,,grabbed the puppies and we were off.
We took 49 all the way to Oakhurst where we caught Hwy 41. We pulled in about 2:30.
So good to be home. Love Nikki and the kids to death but there are some things that drive me nuts. Glad we all live in separate homes. We ended up buying her some bowls. I was planning on giving her my China but they way things are taken care of there I just can't do it. I understand where she is coming from those things just aren't important to her. Still frustrating for us old folks.
We got some good news on the way into the park and it couldn't have come at a better time. They offered us site 314. And they let us unload stuff we has in the truck directly into the shed at 314 which I even better than the one we have. It is finished on the inside with drywall and a workbench.. it has lots on both side. So we unloaded the Terex and parked the trailer in storage. Then we unloaded the bed of the trailer into the 314 shed. Then came back to the trailer and unloaded everything else in the truck and out away everything.
We took a break and did a tour of the park in the Terex. Basically Steve wanted to show off the Terex. Stopped and chatted with Kent Russell in 549. That is a real nice site but it cost them a couple of thousand extra for all the landscaping extras.
Back to the house to continue putting things away and dinner. TV for the rest of the night. Have to catch up in all the shows we missed last week. Need to free up some space on the DVR.
314 is a much nicer spot, more private, wider and much easier to Steve to back in. It came at a very good time. We are here to move and when we drive out of the park on Thursday we leave 237 and when we come back in a week we drive right into 314!.
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