Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mat 8, 2019 Wiggins Walmart, Wiggins Mississippi

Wow we drove 409 miles today.  We got up just before 7 and ate breakfast .  We were ready to be weighed at 7:50 and she was there waiting for us.  I really loved Livingston and will miss that part of Texas.  Parts of Texas are not at all what I pictured.   Especially the piney woods area.  Texas is huge.   Also I need to mention that Texans love their donuts.  There are donut shops on every corner.  Definitely not ice cream shops.
We got weighed and found out we are over weight by 1750 pounds-- almost a ton.  We we supposedly OK in April of last year.  We are carrying more water than we usually do but I know we have not added that much weight since last time
We were on the road by 8:20.  We took 190 from Livingston.  At Eunice LA we cut over to 10 via 13.  From 10 we bypassed New Orleans by taking 12.  It was very interesting in Louisana.  The heat is built on pillars planted in the swamps and river bed.
We had lunch at the Welcome center which was very nice.  We drive to the Walmart in Wiggins Mississippi.   It is actually very nice.  We almost went to an RV park but at the last moment he found a spot..  We are with another rig and a trucker.  There is lots of grass for the puppies . We walked over to Wendy's. For dinner.  Tomorrow we will go as far as Pensacola Florida and spend a couple of nights there before going to Three flags in Wildwood.  It is good to be on the move again.  After dinner we came back to be serenaded by the generator and watch TV.  There is a rig behind of the kind I want if I ever have to go out on my own.  Winnebago Vista.  Just right for one and dogs. 

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