Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 1, 2019 Rainbow's End RV Park, Livingston TX

First day of May!  I got up and got busy. I defrosted the refrigerator which really needed it.  Took me a couple of hours but finally I finished and got everything put  back.  Steve took the truck in for service.  He had a couple of other items repaired.  He called to tell me Kathy  Mancuso called and would arrive around 2. I hurried to get everything put back.  About 1:30 I called Steve to see if he was on his way.  He was still at the Ford Dealer.  I didn't want to be here without Steve as I don't know Kathy at all.  Finally Steve came home brought here by a taxi from the Ford dealership. About 2 he called Kathy to see if she was close.  She was still at home because she wasn't coming until tomorrow. 
I started sewing blocks.  About 4 Steve got picked up and went to get the truck and then get the new tire.  When he got back he told me that they had done the repairs but never did the service.  So lame.
I just walked the dogs over  to the garbage and they did their business.  We had ham and eggs for dinner.  Dishes and TV to end the day. 

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