Saturday, May 11, 2019

May 11, 2019 Three Flags RV Resort, Wildwood, FL

We were up early before 6 and out the door at 8 as planned.  We would have made it by 7:30 if Steve had not decided to perform surgery on the sewer hose. Anyway we travelled about 300 miles mostly  down highways 10 and 75.  We arrived a little after 2 after taking a pee break and a lunch stop. When we got here it was 90 degrees and 100% humidity.   We had a few words as usual while setting up.  Not sure if there is an underlying issue or I am just finding my voice.  We were hit and sweaty when we finished.  We set the rest up leisurely.   About 5 we fed the dogs and had dinner shortly  after 6.  The girls put some nice words on Facebook about mothers day.  I read quite a bit the afternoon.   It thundered A lot this afternoon and the dogs were freaked out.
The park is really nice.  Except that it is really hit and there are these huge black bugs flying around everywhere. I am counting the days until we leave the southeast. 

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