Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July 17, 2019 Mountain Views at Rivers Edge , Creede CO

This was the day for the ladies aid society's rummage sale.  I thought we would be there for hours but we were in and out in about hour. 
Last night I started to take a shower but alas no city water.  So no shower.  Then I woke up at 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep until almost  4:00 am.  I was worried Steve would not make it in the high altitude.   He is using homies oxygen bottle alot. Up at six and out the door at 7:30 to get to the store to stand in line.  Once we got un there it was a madhouse.  I found a few things but not much of interest.  We met at nine and went out to the Carver's to look around.  Then downtown where we browsed through several stores.  We were trying to get coffee at Cafe au lait  but they were closed.  I picked up a package from the office.  Then back to the rig to walk the dogs and have lunch.  I rested for awhile then started sewing.  Steve was gone most of the day on a motorcycle ride.  He took the loop to Gunnison to determine which way was best to take the trailer.   We only have two more days here.  Then we are off to Gunnison. 
We BBQ'ed brats from Iowa the I finished the fron of Lyllie's quilt.  Tomorrow we bead again.   I need a good night's  sleep.  I got some bad news about Marie Moore.  Looks like they found cancer earlier in the month. She starts chemo in the next week or so..
Steve and I are not really clicking right now.  We seem to be odds especially over money.  He is so controlling  sometimes I just want to scream.  He called me a gold digger recently.   I would'nt  bother with him if I was after just his money.  I could find someone much richer and easier to live with than him.  I feel like there is a huge wall growing between us.  He is dredging up old stuff that happened 10 years ago. 
It seems it is ok for home to spend money but not me.  Something has to give soon. Not sure what will happen.

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