Wednesday, July 24, 2019

July 24, 2019 Blue Mesa Recreational Ranch, Gunnison CO

It was a rather gloomy day.  Got up by 8, got dressed and had breakfast.   Then while Steve  was walking the dogs I cut the batting for two quilts.  I cut the inner border and  bindings for the pot holders.  Then I cut the pieces for the block of the week.  Steve waited patiently for his turn to fix his lunch.  The I ate.  I sewed some more on Steve's project. 
We drove into Gunnison to mail Glenss's package and card.  Then we sat in the car and caught up on telephone calls. We made some new reservations.  We are still 4 days short of a full house. 
I picked up a few items at the worst Safeway I have ever been to.  The shelves were empty..  Back to the rig .  More sewing.  Steve was under the weather he said.  I think he just wanted an excuse not to BBQ.   He had soup and I had a grilled cheese sandwich.   More sewing.  I wanted to finish Steve's  project so I could change the needle back to the normal one. 
I finished the James Patterson  Book Toys. It was the worst book I ever read.  Lots of details were missed I my opinion.  On to better things. 
It rained here this afternoon  with lots of noise.  .  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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